Monday, May 17, 2010

Illegal Immigration

Facebook. The place where you stumble over things you had no idea you needed to know the existance of.

One of my "friends" shared a link with me, to YouTube, to a Ray Stevens (aka Harold Ray Ragsdale) song called "Come to the USA".

Well, the lyrics are fun and the music is what it is. Ironically, none of it is true.

Whatever. What I love with the YouTube is basically the comments on these sorts of things.

As a small example, how about this ( a comment on the above mentioned song):

"The illegals can get a TIN number Taxpayer identification number so we want their money and we want them to pick fruit and do the nasty jobs but we don't want to give them a fighting chance. They don't get welfare that is where everyone is wrong!!!!!!!! Only their children who are citizens can get it. They can even get driver's license and insurance to make it safe for us on the road. Above all they can't even get a credit card."

I simply LOVE that last sentence!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Been a while

Oh, man...

To my great shame I noticed that I have been as lazy as the laziest thing on earth for a few months. No need for me to try the "I needed it", "it felt good" or "the time off I deserved" explenations here. I still know the fact; I am lazy.

- sigh! -

Well. A new year, and hopefully new and happy things to write about!

Here is one topic, amongst earthquakes and tsunamis:

USA scores six times in first period, blow out Finland 6-1 and advance to final.

Yep. The proud isehockeynation Finland forgot they could use those scates in Vancouver Olympics.

Now I am, not only ashamed. I feel embarrassed too.

Perhaps it is better for me to crawl back to the hole I came from.